Oil Spill Resonse Header image of specialist oil spill clean up equipment

Babkin Charters Prince William Sound - Oil Spill Response


Our experience with oil spill cleanup and prevention began with the EXXON Valdez spill in 1989.


Initially we worked with SCAT, (Shoreline Cleanup and Asessment Team), within Prince William Sound. Later we had a fate and persistence group aboard which followed the path of the spill and conducted site characteristics on beaches that would not be cleaned by man. The plan was to return over time to see how nature dealt with the contamination. We started in the Sound, progressed through the Kenai Fjords, around the Barron and Kodiak Islands and down to the Alaska Peninsula.


Since then we have been contracted with Alyeska Pipeline Company, and SERVS (Ship Escort and Response Vessel Services), which has the primary responsibility for preventing another oil spill. SERVS also trains crews and provides equipment for cleanup, if it were to be needed.

  image the Alexandra taking part in an ocean oil spill clean up
  • Call to Book
    1 (907) 272-8989

Babkin Charters LLC

  • 2940 Mallard Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99508
  • Phone: 1 (907) 272-8989
  • Email: alex@babkin.com



Photo credits: Linda Bassett, Tim Bowman, Alex Davis, John Durham, Alexandra von Wichman, Brad von Wichman